In this case, we will make a Cotton effect of the font, which applied to the major commands: AddNoise; Median; Contract; Feather; Crystallize.
First create a new file, the size of their set, in this case 400X200pixels, the background is white.
In the Channels control panel, create a new Alpha1 channel. Select the text tool in the toolbox of rampant enter letters, font size 60pixels, and drag it to the appropriate location.
Implementation of the Select> Save Selection command to create a new Alpha2 channel. However, Alpha1 is still the current channel.
Implementation of the Select> Modify> Contract command, ready to narrow the edge of the letter.
In the Contract Selection dialog box, set the Contract By: 4pixels, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Select> Save Selection command, in the pop-up dialog box, select the following New Channel Operation option item to create a new Alpha3 channel. However, Alpha1 is still the current channel.
Implementation of the Select> Modify> Contract command, ready to shrink once again the edge of the letter.
In the Contract Selection dialog box, set the Contract By: 4pixels, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Select> Save Selection command, in the pop-up dialog box, select the following New Channel Operation option item to create a new Alpha4 channel. However, Alpha1 is still the current channel.
Implementation of the Select> Load Selection command, ready to load Alpha2 channel selection range.
In the Load Selection dialog box, set the Channel: Alpha2, the rest according to the default value, press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Select> Load Selection command, in the pop-up dialog box, set the Channel: Alpha4, select the Operation of the Subtract From Selection option to the following items, to confirm and press the OK button.
Implementation of the Select> Feather command, ready to select the parts of emergence treatment.
In the Feather Selection dialog box, set the Feather Radius: 8pixels, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Filter> Noise> Add Noise command, ready to make noise while the image results.
In the Add Noise dialog box, set: Amount: 160; Distribution: Gaussian, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Filter> Pixelate> Crystallize command, ready to Noise mixed with some small effect of hard particles.
In Crystallize dialog box, set: Cell Size: 8, and press OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Filter> Noise> Add Noise command, ready to select the part of the production of hybrid point effect.
In the Add Noise dialog box, set: Amount: 120; Distribution: Gaussian, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Filter> Noise> Median command, ready to make smooth edges Noise effect effect.
In Median dialog box, set: Radius: 3pixels, and press OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Image> Adjust> Levels command, ready to adjust the colors within the selected range.
In the Levels dialog box, set the Input Levels: 0,5.98,255, the rest according to the default value, press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Select> Load Selection command, in the pop-up dialog box, set the Channel: Alpha2, the rest according to the default value, press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Select> Load Selection command, in the pop-up dialog box, set the Channel: Alpha3, select the Operation of the Subtract From Selection option to the following items, to confirm and press the OK button.
Implementation of the Filter> Pixelate> Crystallize command, ready to Noise mixed with some small effect of hard particles.
In Crystallize dialog box, set: Cell Size: 8, and press OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Filter> Noise> Add Noise command, ready to select the part of the production of hybrid point effect.
In the Add Noise dialog box, set: Amount: 120; Distribution: Gaussian, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Filter> Noise> Median command, ready to make smooth edges Noise effect effect.
Median dialog box, set: Radius: 3pixels, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Select> Load Selection command, in the pop-up dialog box, set the Channel: Alpha1, and press the OK button to confirm.
Implementation of the Image> Adjust> Levels command, ready to adjust the colors within the selected range.
In the Levels dialog box, set the Input Levels: 0,5.98,255, the rest according to the default value, press the OK button to confirm.
Back to the RGB color mixing state, not to cancel the selected range, then Control Panel from the Layers to create two new layers, namely layers Layer1 and Layer2 layer. At this point, Layer2 layer for the current layer. The foreground color set to white, to fill the selected letters, because this time window in the foreground and background color of the image are white, so the letters were selected as no change, but after following a few steps will be visible effects.
Right click the Layer1 layer, making it the current layer. Then, the foreground color set to black, press Alt + Delete key to fill.
Select the move tool in the toolbox, using the keyboard or mouse to select the letters to move within.
Deselect range. Implementation of the Image> Adjust> Threshold command in the pop-up dialog box, set the Threshold Level: 130, press the OK button to confirm.
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